Personalized service
Consulting de Actividades e Iniciativas Empresariales S.L.
Accounting serves to know the composition of business assets and value it, as well as the results obtained in the activity. Many companies do not pay the attention it deserves to up-to-date, clear and relevant accounting.
Optimized accounting is 100% useful information, of great value for making economic and financial decisions, not only to comply with commercial and tax obligations, but as a necessary tool for managing your business.
Optimized accounting is 100% useful information, of great value for making economic and financial decisions, not only to comply with commercial and tax obligations, but as a necessary tool for managing your business.

We supervise and advise the accounting department of those companies that have it, preparing economic and financial reports and analyzing their economic statements.
We help and keep this department up to date, informing it of changes in regulations and assisting it with any questions that may arise in its daily work.
We carry out the selection process, if necessary, of your company’s accounting staff.

Preparation of accounting
After sending us the documentation, your personal advisor will carry out the accounting management, keeping you promptly informed about the data provided by the corresponding balance sheets.
- Collection of your company’s documentation, organizing and filing it, and we check your computer programs and their compatibility with those of the Consultancy, so that communication and data processing is more fluid.
- Process and preparation of accounting: preparation of accounting entries and movements, according to the current General Accounting Plan.
- Periodic meetings to discuss and analyze balance sheets, fixed assets, general expenses, reconciliation of banks, suppliers and clients.
- Preparation of journal books and annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, memory, statement of changes in equity and cash flows).
- Updating overdue accounting.

Official books and deposit of Annual Accounts in the Commercial Registry
We are in charge of preparing and presenting the mandatory official books for legalization in the Commercial Registry of your province:
- Diary book.
- Libro de inventario y cuentas anuales.
- Libro de Actas.
- Libro registro de socios.
Preparamos las cuentas anuales para su depósito en el Registro Mercantil, confeccionando el balance, la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias, la memoria, el estado de cambios en el patrimonio neto y el estado de flujos de efectivo. Así mismo realizamos la certificación de la Junta en la que se aprueban dichas cuentas anuales.

Preparation of tax record books
For those entities and individuals that carry out non-commercial economic activities and for professionals, who are not required to keep accounting in accordance with the Commercial Code, we prepare record books, which according to tax legislation are required to keep:
- Sales and income record book.
- Book record of purchases and expenses.
- Record Book of investment goods.
- Record book of provision of funds and supplies.
- Books of invoices issued and received (IGIC e IVA)
Once presented,
We can help you?
You can contact us so that together we can find the best solution for your needs.