


Los gastos obligatoriamente deberán estar directamente relacionados con la obtención de ingresos. En caso de que algún gasto se utilice de forma personal y además para necesidades de la actividad, por favor consultarlo, ya que la Agencia Tributaria no permite su deducción.

Deberán cumplirse 4 criterios para considerar un gasto como deducible:

Que dicho gasto esté relacionado con la actividad como se dijo anteriormente
Que se tenga la correspondiente factura “en regla” debidamente cumplimentada y nominativa
Que se disponga del medio de pago de dicho gasto (transferencia, cheque, tarjeta)
Que se transcriba al Libro de Gastos y/o a la contabilidad

Register of



Registration and login:

You will first need to register on the platform if it is your first time using it. This process usually involves providing an email address and creating a password. Once registered, you will be able to log in to the platform with the credentials you have created. You will first need to register on the platform if it is your first time using it. This process usually involves providing an email address and creating a password. Once registered, you will be able to log in to the platform with the credentials you have created.


Once you’re logged in, you should be directed to a dashboard or home screen. This is where you can usually see an overview of your documents. Navigation through the platform should be quite intuitive. Look for drop-down menus, sidebars, or navigation menus at the top of the screen.

Document viewing:

The documents that have been assigned to you will probably be in a specific section, perhaps called “My Documents”, “Assigned Documents” or something similar. When you click on a document, you should be able to see it in detail. Some platforms allow you to view documents directly on the web, while others may require you to download the document to view it.

Interaction with documents:

Depending on the features of the platform, you may have the ability to interact with documents in various ways. This can include editing documents, adding comments, signing documents, and more. If you have permissions to edit a document, look for a button or link that says “Edit” or something similar. If you can add comments, find a text field that allows you to do so.

Customer Support:

If you’re having trouble using the platform, look for a “Help” or “Support” section. There may be an FAQ section, or perhaps a live chat or support email that you can contact. Please note that this is a very generic guide and not all of these features may be available on the “a3docs” platform. I would recommend that you look for a specific user manual for “a3docs”, or contact their support service for additional help.

Once presented,

Go to the platform

Once presented,

We can help you?

You can contact us so that together we can find the best solution for your needs.