Management of
Inheritances and Donations
Inheritances and Donations
We have a tax department specialized in matters of inheritances and donations. We carry out any management and processing related to the process of transferring the assets.
We provide services related to:
- Preliminary study and advice, tax planning for taxes surrounding the donation or inheritance.
- Request for Death Certificates and Last Wills.
- Management and advice during the probate process of your inheritance (notary procedures, registration of assets and rights).

Do you want to grant your will or advance the transmission of your heritage through Donation and pay the minimum?
Currently, due to certain tax benefits, it is very common to consider advancing the transfer of assets before death from parents to children, and more specifically that of real estate. In this regard, there are two possible options: donate the assets or wait for them to be transmitted with the inheritance. In order not to leave the decision to chance, we advise you on the management of the Inheritance and Donation tax so that you benefit to the maximum from the current 99.9% bonus in the Canary Islands on said Tax and values depending on the tax costs and your circumstances. personal, what is the best option. In this sense, it is necessary to previously analyze the fiscal repercussions of the following taxes:
- The Inheritance and Donation Tax (ISD).
- The Personal Income Tax (IRPF).
- The Wealth Tax (IP).
- The municipal tax on the increase in the value of urban land (Municipal Plusvalía).

We help you plan the transmission of wealth through inheritance or donation.
We take care of everything so that you don’t have to worry about this issue and we provide you with the following services:
- Advice and support throughout the inheritance process.
- Obtaining a death certificate and last wills.
- Obtaining Certificate of Death Coverage Insurance Contracts
- Acceptance or renunciation of inheritance.
- File of declaration of Heirs ab intestate.
- Settlement of Inheritance tax (forms 660 and 650, depending on each Autonomous Community).
- Tax on the Increase in the Value of Land (Municipal Capital Gains).
- Registration in the appropriate registries.